3 Days 3 Nights in Khao Yai - Sunflower Field
The sunflower field at the Jim Thompson Farm.
If you asked anyone who visited Khao Yai, they would recommend you to go to the sunflower field. The sunflower fields are one of the highlights in Khao Yai. I agreed with the statements to. It is definitely in my list of must-go if you are in Khao Yai during the season.
The sunflower field that the driver brought us to was relatively big. There was a small area whereby the locals were selling local products and sunflower seeds too. The sunflower seeds were very fresh. I would totally recommend you to try the sunflower seeds here.
Anyway, so my mum and I decided to venture to a quiet corner of the sunflower field. It was tough venturing through the area. It’s not easy to find a proper route, and you have to walk through patches of tall grasses and soil. On top of that, all I can see are bees and more bees. These are not something that I enjoyed, but I plucked up my courage and braved through it just so to take a few good photos. It was totally worth it!
The sun is so glaring at the Manee Sorn Sunflower Field.
Sunflowers do have some cheerful effect on me. I like staying in the field and admired sunflowers. Although the bees could be quite distracting, I tried to remain as still as possible to not attract their attention.
Is it worth going to the sunflower field? Absolutely! When you see an area of sunflower, somehow you would naturally feel happier. Moreover, this is a great photo stop. The sunflower field that I visited was Manee Sorn Sunflower Field. There’s one in Jim Thompson Farm as well.
x, Esther