The Beginner's Guide to Travel: Part 3/3 - Pre-Trip Essentials
Image by Francesca Tirico
In this series of "The Beginner's Guide to Travel", I would go through all the nitty-gritty of planning a holiday. To travel is a luxury but at a huge cost. Not only would you need to put time aside to plan; you would also have to spend some money. I had gone through in Part 1 on how to plan a trip and logistics in Part 2. Now, let's dive into the last part of pre-trip planning.
Image by Ashim D’Silva
1. Plan Your Activities
Now that you have your air tickets, accommodation, passport and visa settled, it's time to plan your activities. It's good to do some research on this aspect, as not all tourist attractions are available all year round. Some attractions are only available in certain seasons due to safety concern. Also, you may want to book specific tours with the local travel agencies too, especially if you wish to do a day tour. It's best to do some research first, and check out the prices, because at times there are discounts available for tourists, e.g. day passes for public transport. Most importantly, the activities that you plan would also impact the things that you need to bring along.
Image by Kelly Sikkema
2. Print All the Necessary Documents and Save a Copy As Well
After you have completed all the bookings, print out a copy and keep a soft copy in your phone too. Based on personal experience, not all places accept e-copies. Some hotels request a copy of your bookings when you check-in. You can also show these documents to the staff at the immigration counter when they asked you questions. It would help to prevent any form of communication barrier. You would also want to make a copy of your passport biodata page, and bring an extra passport photo along too. You would need these details if you lost your passport and have to make one in a foreign country.
Image by Patrick Tomasso
3. Notified Your Loved Ones
Inform your loved ones of your travel dates and plans. It's good to send them the details as well. In case of emergency, they have some information on hand. It's good to have someone know your whereabouts.
Image by Oliur
4. Leave Your Identity Card Behind but Bring Along Your Driving License
You can leave your Identity Card at home since you have your passport with you. Your passport is good enough to prove your identity. However, you can bring along your driving license overseas. You would need to show your driving license when you want to drive. Some activities that involved drivings may require you to show your driving license as well.
I would also say you do not need to bring all your credit cards for the trip. Just bring one card. That's good enough.
Image by Brandless
5. Check Baggage Restriction
Before you pack your luggage, remember to check the baggage restriction. Some airlines allow you to have 2 pieces of luggage. Each luggage can weigh up to 23kg each. Some airlines allow you to bring in 30kg worth of luggage. Some domestic airlines will enable you to have 20kg of luggage only.
On top of that, there are restrictions to liquids, portable battery watts, and so many other things. It's good to check all your flights' regulation for both hand luggage and checked-in luggage. The last thing you want is to discard away expensive skincare or other items at the airport.
Image by Anete Lūsiņa
6. Pack and Get Ready To Go!
Now, pack your essential. Here's a guide on how to pack your luggage. Most of the time, you would only use 70% to 80% of all the items in your luggage. I admit that even until now, I am not using 100% of all the things that I packed in my luggage despite packing what I need. Remember to make sure that you pack your chargers, medicines, etc. Also, use a TSA lock to secure your luggage. Always keep a spare TSA lock with you, because you never know when would the luggage's lock spoil or you bought a piece of extra hand-carry luggage to store all your shopping.
Alright, I have covered the basics of the beginner's guide to travel. The guide would help you to plan and prepare for your holiday. Now that, you have come so far, why not put some time aside to plan your big adventure. Feel free to ask me anything if you need help.
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