Esther Phang

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Life will Get Better

At the beginning of the Circuit Breaker, I enjoyed the peacefulness and solitude that it offered. I actually found myself more productive working from home.

I am practically living minimally, and I kind of enjoy it. I am always in my lounge-wear, exercise attire or PJ.

I no longer have to spend time to dress up.

Sometimes, I felt like a caveman. When the imposition of the Circuit Breaker was first announced, I initially thought I was coping fine and gradually learned what I really needed in life or what was required in my future “home”.

Little did I know that the extension of the Circuit breaker would then proceed to make an adverse impact on my life.

Things started to change for the worse towards the end of the Circuit Breaker. I became more restless and often found myself unable to sleep well

During the first three weeks of June, my emotional state went on a roller coaster ride. I wasn’t ok. I don't feel like talking to people. I felt moody for no reason. I got tired easily.

Of course, I still had to work, so I had to try my best to be productive and efficient nevertheless. It was through this that I realised that I was suffering from cabin fever.

I have people coming to me and say "eat more", "exercise", "take a walk", and "sleep early".

Let me tell you this. My diet is low carb in nature. I have fruits as snack.

I exercised like 5 times a week. That's about 4 hours a week.

I slept for at least 8 hours every single day.

Having a walk in the neighbourhood wasn't enough too.

I am very conscious of my mental health. Upon learning that I could be down with a bout of cabin fever, I recognised that I had to make changes to my daily routine.

I started to take more breaks now. I scheduled time to do nothing, and that included not using my phone at all! I will just sit, daydream and let my thoughts pass by like moving clouds.

I started to exercise more since mid-June too. I am clocking 5 - 6 hours of exercise every week now. I exercised in the morning and at the end of each day. I used exercise as a benchmark that "hey I survived another day" and also to drain off my excess energy.

I am trying to put time aside to do things that I enjoy, such as drawing and creating all these blog articles.

Of course, I felt so much better when I had the chance to go out since Phase 2 commenced! I finally got to go out, meet my friends and their pets! I am so happy that I got to meet Haru again! This dog brings me joy. It's true love!

Also, I am considering getting a pet in future.

I have so many food cravings as well. How I wish I am staying nearer to town.

Here are some of the lessons I learned during this period.

  • Social interaction is important. Video calls and messages can never replace physical social interactions.

  • I need to rest and do nothing.

  • Personal space is important.

  • Put time aside for your hobby as well.

The first half of 2020 has passed. Let's conquer the remaining 2020! I will get better.

PS: Thank you to those who are there for me, when I needed someone to talk to. Thank you F45 for the interactive exercises via Zoom. Thank you to those who send food to me too!

x, Esther

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