How to Sell Line Stickers?
Screen shot from Line.
I have always wanted to create Line Stickers. The idea of creating a sticker set is fun. However, I have been sitting on this idea for many years. Finally, I manage to squeeze out the time, and motivation create a set of 16 stickers during the circuit breaker.
1. Concept
I decided to do something simple for this set of stickers as I want to know how much time is needed, how to upload the files and what other areas do I need to look out for. I want to have a gist of it before creating a better set of stickers in future. As usual, I drew cats. The cats are mainly prototypes of regularly used emojis. Here are the requirements of the stickers.
2. Duration
It took me around about 16 hours in total to complete this set of stickers; from drawing to uploading the stickers onto Line. I put aside an hour a day for this project. It took me 3 hours to edit and upload the stickers. I didn't think that I will take so much time.
3. How to Sell the Stickers?
You need a Line account to sell stickers. Log in to it, if not go sign up for one.
1. Fill in the Display Information
Click on New Submission after you log in, fill in all the areas marked with the asterisk. You do not need to fill in the license certificate if you do not have one. Click save after you fill-up the details.
2. Upload the Images of the Sticker Set
a. Select the number of stickers you want to upload.
b. Before you upload the images, please make sure that you have followed the guideline. Here are some issues that I encountered:
The image must have even-numbered height and width. You will not be able to upload the file if either the height or width is an odd number.
Resize all sticker images within 320 * 320, and you would be quite safe. For some reason, the height or width of 370 doesn't work for me.
All the images must be in PNG format with transparent background.
c. Renamed all your files to the following:
Main image - main.png
Chat Thumbnail Icon - tab.png
Stickers - 01.png, 02.png, 03.png....
d. Save all the images, including the main image and thumbnail icon, into a zip folder.
e. Upload the folder.
f. Errors pop up when the stickers in your zip file do not meet their specifications. To find out what the error is, click on the individual error icon. Edit the file accordingly. You can choose to upload the file individually or submit a new zip file which consists of all the images.
g. Click save.
3. Tag Settings
This step is optional.
Choose the relevant tag for each of the stickers. I didn't manage to get a screenshot of the tags. You can do that and keep it as a reference when you are creating more stickers in future.
4. Price Tier
Select the price tier that you wish to sell. Once, you completed everything, you can submit the request.
Side note
If you have not set up the payment method in your account, they will inform you to set up the details in your account. On top of that, you can take this chance to submit an application form for income tax convention. More information about tax convention can are available here.
4. Review
Once you submitted the request, it would take about 30 days for the administrator to review your sticker set.
That's it! That's all you need to know on how to sell line stickers. The most challenging part is thinking of what to draw and drawing itself. It takes a lot of time and effort.
Hope this helps!
x, Esther
Update about the Sticker Set
The sticker set wasn’t approved and it referred me back to the Terms and Conditions. There is no clear indication of the error. I suspect that it may be due to the phrase “Hug Meow”. Sadly, I didn’t save my working files, so I am not going to edit this sticker set. I will take this as a lesson learnt, when I am designing for Line. Nonetheless, I don’t wish to waste my effort, so I decided to upload the stickers on Telegram and WhatsApp instead. The stickers are free.
Download the sticker set here:
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