How would a Lego piece market itself?

Do you feel pain when you step on a piece of lego piece? I do. Thanks to the lego pieces, an idea struck me. Won't it be fun to imagine myself as a Lego piece and market Lego to you?

So, how would a Lego piece market itself?

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Scene 1: A man is walking in his living room and accidentally steps on a piece of Lego.

Photo 29-12-20, 6 55 25 PM (2).jpg

Scene 2: Man screams in pain.

Lego inner monologue: "I didn't want to cause you pain!"

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Scene 3: Man looks down on his feet and picks up a piece of Lego. He is reminded of his happy days as a kid when he tried to create different models with his Lego pieces.

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Scene 4: Man walks happily to a room.

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Scene 5 (shows Man's POV): Man is looking at his son fondly. The son is happily playing with the Lego pieces. At the same time, he is acting the role of a pirate while building the ship.

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Scene 6: Man walks into the room and passes his son a Lego piece that he found in his living room.

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Scene 7: Man decides to join his son. They are happily building the ship and role-playing.


Scene 8: Lego Inner Monologue: Building moments together.


In summary, the scene starts the main pain point; Lego piece causes pain to the man when he steps on it. The lego piece trigger nostalgia. The man was reminded of his childhood when he used his imagination to be anyone he wanted with his Lego pieces in his hands. He decides to check out his son, who is playing with Lego, in the playroom. He passes the Lego piece that he found in the living room to his son and plays with him.

This idea is targetted at parents. Most of the time, when kids play with Lego, the pieces are scattered across the room. Parents would know the pain when they step on Lego pieces. They would be able to relate to Scene 2. The advertisement takes a turn for the better and reminds the parents of their younger days when they were happily playing with their toys. All kids like to have fun. This advertisement also aims to remind parents to put aside time and play with their kids to create fond memories together. To the child, Lego is a toy. To the parents, Lego is a projection of their love for their children.

I hope you enjoy this little heartwarming series. Let me know what do you want to see next?

x, Esther

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