September 2021 - A Grateful month
Today is the last day of my birthday week. I took leave to take a break and to celebrate my birthday. Sadly, the dine-in pax had once again reduced from 5 to 2. Hence, I had to reschedule most of my appointments. I get to have more gatherings. It's a happy problem. Today is the only day that I get to 宅在家 (stay at home).
Thank you to all for the greetings, well wishes and presents.
Thank you to all who celebrated my birthday. Thank you for the yummy food and desserts.
The food, desserts and drinks not only filled my belly and my heart. I had a lot of fried chicken this week. I am pleased to have most of my cravings satisfied. Also, I found a new pizza place. The pizza was delicious.
These are some of the food that I had this week.
It has been a while since I felt like I had a proper break since the beginning of the endemic. For most of this week - I woke up and prepared to go out to have fun (and gym)! I didn't have the time to use my computer. It feels marvellous to be away from the computer!
I am grateful, happy and content with all that I have at this moment in time.
x, Esther
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