3 Lessons I learnt from “Oversubscribed: How to Get People Lining Up to Do Business with You"

What is Oversubscribed?

"Oversubscribed" is a business book that teaches how to make your business so popular that customers line up to buy your product. Unlike typical business books, it shows you how to create excitement and high demand for what you're selling. It offers simple tips and real-life examples to help businesses become successful and in demand.

3 Lessons from "Oversubscribed" and How to Implement Them

3 Lessons from the book "Oversubscribed". Lesson 1: Tailor your words to your audience. Lesson 2: It's okay to say no and let your clients wait. At the same time, you have to keep uplifting them. Lesson 3: Stay true to your philosophy.

1. Lesson 1: Tailor your words to your audience.

What It Means: Understanding who you are talking to is really important. You want to be memorable, so you must use the right words and tone to connect with them. This makes your communication relevant, engaging, and impactful.

How to implement it?

  • Understand Your Audience: Learn what your audience likes, cares about, and problems they have. Use this information to create messages that speak to them.

  • Customize Your Communication: Change how you talk or write based on who you are talking to. Use simple words for beginners and more detailed words for experts.

  • Feedback Loop: Ask your audience for their opinions to improve your communication.

2. Lesson 2: It’s okay to say no and let your clients wait. At the same time, you have to keep uplifting them.

What It Means: You need to know how much work you can handle. Sometimes, saying no to new requests or making clients wait is okay. Focus on doing great work for your current clients and keep them happy so they can share good things about your business.

How to implement it?

  • Know Your Limits: Understand how much time and resources you have. Focus on delivering great work to your current clients.

  • Manage Expectations: Let clients know if there will be a wait. Keep them updated about your availability.

  • Keep Clients Happy: Regularly check in with your clients and provide updates to keep them satisfied and engaged.

3. Lesson 3: Stay true to your philosophy.

What It Means: Always adhere to your core values and beliefs. This will help you build trust and loyalty with your audience.

How to implement it?

  • Define Your Values: Know what your core values and principles are.

  • Consistency: Make sure your actions and communications always reflect your values.

  • Evaluate Choices: When making decisions, choose the options that align with your values, even if they are harder.

Why Should You Read "Oversubscribed"??

Not only will you better understand how an oversubscribed business works, but you can also pick up a few techniques to use in your own work. The book includes methods involving marketing that serve as both a refresher and a source of new ideas to implement.

By reading "Oversubscribed," you’ll discover strategies to make your business more appealing and in demand. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this book provides valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed. It's a must-read for anyone looking to create excitement and high demand for their products or services.

x, Esther