10 Tips to be More Productive


Some of my friends wondered how do I manage my time. I have time to exercise, create content for my blog and have fun too. Hence, I thought why not share some of the tips with you.

Here are 10 techniques that I used, and it works for me.

  1. Understand your body clock

  2. Calendar Blocking

  3. Limit your to-do list

  4. Group similar task together

  5. Focus on one task at a time

  6. Pomodoro technique

  7. Turn off the notifications on your electronic devices

  8. Schedule time for yourself every day

  9. Take a break

  10. Declutter

1. Understand your body clock

1. Understand your body clock


All of us have our own circadian rhythm or natural 24-hour cycle that regulates how our body function. Some of us are alert in the morning, while the others are more focused in the afternoon. Hence, it is good to play to the strengths of your circadian rhythm. Adjust your schedule or to-do list accordingly to the rhythm to maximise your brainpower.

For example, if you are a morning person, do all the important tasks in the morning, leave all the work that requires minimal effort to the afternoon.

2. Calendar Blocking

Calendar blocking is the process of scheduling tasks on your calendar for a set period. In order words, you are creating a timetable. You will know what you need to do at a specific time slot. You can quickly get into the flow and not think about what you need to do next.

3. Limit your to-do list


Some of our to-do lists seem to be never-ending. Honestly, the sight of it can cause a lot of stress. It would be good to limit your to-do list to the top 3 priorities of the day. 3 items may not seem a lot. However, by the time you finished your projects and replied to all the emails, it is about time to knock off. Set achievable goals for yourself. If your to-do list is too long, you may feel negative about yourself and start doubting your own capabilities.

Ideally, you would want to set one or two personal priorities for your personal life too. For example, end work on time and have a meal with your family members. Your career may be important, but do not neglect your loved ones too.

4. Group similar task together


Group similar tasks together and complete them at once, so you do not waste time. For example, you can allocate a day to make business calls or to file all your documents. Or, you can set aside one day to create all the content for your blog, then use the remaining days to produce content for your clients. By grouping all the tasks together, it is easier to focus and finished all the work. For example, at a personal level, I like to batch all the housework and complete them within half a day during the weekend.

5. Focus on one task at a time


Doing one thing at a time is one of the ways to accomplish more in less time. You are intentionally spending your time, attention and energy on it. It allows you to think better and work more effectively. In turn, doing a better job. 

For example, you have a report to write. Close all the applications. Focus on finishing it before moving on to the next task.

6. Pomodoro technique


The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals. It trains you to work within the time you have. Some dedicated each session to a task. 

We have a short attention span. You may want to start off with 25 minutes with 5 minutes of break. Or you may use these timing - 30 minutes of work with 5 minutes break or 50 minutes of work with 10 minutes of rest. Once you get into the habit of using the Pomodoro technique, you would not need to rely on the timer.

7. Turn off the notifications on your electronic devices


All these notifications are a form of distraction. If you are not mindful, these notifications will pull you away from the tasks at hand. You may feel tempted to reply to your friend messages. You may want to open the social media application to see how many people like your photo. All these distractions will not help you to focus. If you find it a hassle to switch off all the notifications, you can turn on the "Do Not Disturb" mode on your phone during your working hours.

8. Schedule time for yourself every day


It is crucial to have some time for yourself to catch a breather and chill! It helps to keep you sane too. If you enjoy running, you can schedule a run at the end of your workday. Sometimes the more stressed you are, the more you need downtime.

9. Take a break


Like the above point, learn to take a break once in a while. Taking a break can help to reduce stress, improve your mood and boost your performance. You can go for a luxurious break such as a staycation or vacation, or a simple one such as stay home and do nothing. Resist the temptation to check your emails or work when you are on your break. 


10. Declutter


Decluttering is so important. For example, by organising your desk, you have one less thing competing for your attention. This will allow you to concentrate on the tasks rather than getting distracted by the growing stack of documents.

Do not forget that we have digital clutter in our inbox and desktop too, where files are randomly filed. Delete away any unnecessary files and organise your files. You can then find your files easily in the future and improve your productivity.

The less thing you have at home, the less housework you need to do too. You create less waste as well. 

Most of the time, the most efficient people you meet have managed to find ways to overcome procrastination and other challenges. Changes do not happen overnight. Start small and be consistent. Give these tips a try and continue to use the strategies that work best for you.

I hope this post helps!

- Esther

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I welcome suggestions and collaboration. Feel free to drop me a note at hello.estherp@gmail.com.