Should you quit your job and sell NFTs?

Recently, I stamped upon the Great Resignation and NFT on YouTube. I was honestly curious about them, especially NFT. Who knew that you could sell images at a high cost? Some willing buyers want to get these pieces to build a virtual museum.


  1. The Great Resignation 2021

  2. NFT

1. The Great Resignation 2021

This phenomenon is happening in the US. I am not too sure if the same is happening in Singapore. At least, I do not observe that. However, I knew of people who changed their jobs or careers and started a side-hustle during this pandemic.

If you don’t know what the Great Resignation is about, google it! There is plenty of news on this topic.

One thing for sure is that this pandemic has affected everyone’s life. We had more time on hand to reassess our values. We have no choice but to adapt and learn to use new technology for work or personal life. We have proven that we can be productive anywhere! Honestly, I am on the side that remote working is the new working style.

What can we learn from this episode? Companies need to relook into their benefits. It’s no longer about work culture alone, but could there be more trust given to employees by allowing them to work as and when they want? There could be some form of flexibility given to employees too. Other than the human factors, companies need to revise their processes and work on having smart strategies.

Another lesson that we can learn is that this is the golden age of entrepreneurship. There are so many small businesses popping out in these couple of years. It is easier to start a business now than ever before as we are all connected on the internet. You can even put up your services on Fiverr. If you want to explore this option, it’s important to create a sustainable strategy.

The final lesson that I took away from this episode is that there must be a smarter way to earn money. Technology is advancing at a crazy speed. You can potentially make a career shift to the technology industry or be a freelancer. For example, take up tech projects and sell software or other digital products. 20% effort, 80% result. Maybe, you could explore selling NFT.

2. NFT

Recently, I was intrigued by NFT. Do you know that you can sell images for a very high cost? Hence, I started to learn more about NFT, hoping to sell illustrations.

So, what exactly is an NFT? It’s a non-fungible token. “Fungible” means “replaceable”. “Token” refers to “Unique ID”. In other words, NFT is a non-replaceable unique ID. The ID can come in any form - image, gif or even music.

Before I continue, watch this video to learn about the NFT. The Youtuber can explain it better than I do.

Now, do you realise why I am so interested in NFT? Imagine selling a cat illustration for a few hundred USD dollars.


WOW! Sounds like a perfect plan.

However, you would need to pay for the gas fees. If you travel regularly, not only would you know that it is expensive, the cost of gas will fluctuate too. The same theory applies. I can only guess that buying/selling NFT do contribute to a greater issue. In other words, if I decide to sell NFT, I am making a bet that it will sell and contributing to global warming. Regardless of whether NFT is hype or not, I doubt it’s a wise move for me now because I don’t have the risk appetite. Moreover, I have yet to build a stable investment portfolio. Nonetheless, NFT is a potential instrument that one can use for investment.

Would you quit your job and sell NFTs?

x, Esther


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