My 2021 Favourites

Hey guys!

Happy New Year to you! I hope you have a lovely celebration.

For this post, I am covering a list of my favourite issues from blog posts to even books that I read in 2021.

Hope you enjoy it!

x, Esther

1. Blog Posts

Endowus vs Syfe

I was inspired to write this article for a dear friend of mine. It is because she wants to know more about investing. I am neither a financial advisor nor an investment guru. I thought why not introduce these 2 platforms on my blog from my point of view and if you are interested in them, you could read my review. Honestly, it is easy to invest in either of the platforms. TLDR; I prefer Endowus. 

Episode 1 of the WEE Podcast

I am grateful for my 2 friends, Esther Perh and Wendy, who are so game to join me in creating this podcast whereby we chat about anything under the sun. I wanted to do a podcast because I hope to learn the ropes - from what goes behind the scenes to how it would affect a webpage's traffic. I loved the first episode of the podcast because not only did it symbolise the birth of an idea, we were also discussing a topic that I suggested. The irony is - we talked about funerals in our first episode!

2. Productivity Hacks

Pomodoro Timer

To everyone who uses the Pomodoro timer, let’s put our hands together and thank the creator of this technique. It is indeed a work saviour! It motivated me to complete as much work as possible within the timeframe. Try it for yourself.

Scheduling “off” days

As I continue to work from home on most days, there is no clear line between work and home. We tend to glue ourselves to our devices. Since the pandemic, our screen time has increased exponentially. I felt more tired than before. That was when I realised I needed to schedule “off” days when I could do almost nothing and rest. Honestly, I felt great at the end of each rest day. This is something that I want to continue to enforce.

3. Rewiring of the Brain

Happy Playlist

I created a Happy Playlist on my Spotify account in December, partly because I want to be in a good vibe. I want to think happy thoughts. I want to have a good atmosphere for work. Somehow, the upbeat music works. My cells are grooving away whenever I play the tracks. I felt good about myself. Naturally, my day becomes better! The moral of the story, create your happy playlist. Listen to it when you need the good vibes!

Reframing Thoughts

The main lesson that I learned in 2021 is learnt to phrase and use the correct words. For example, instead of apologising for the inconvenience, you can thank the person for their understanding. It is one of the methods that you can reframe a negative situation into a positive one. Another technique is to shift your attention and focus on the positive aspects. For example, when it rains, instead of feeling upset that you had to change your plans, be thankful that you can get a great night sleep thanks to the cooling weather. Honestly, this is easier said than done. I have a lot of relearning to do. I am not learning to see the silver lining, but to be kind to myself, be in control of my mind and take back my power. 

4. Work

Since I used Zapier, I can free up some time and mind space. Repetitive tasks are automated now! If you have any tips on Zapier, share them with me!

5. Books

This year I had read 13 books. Out of these 13 books, I recommend Principles by Ray Dalio and Atomic Habits by James Clear.


In Principles, Ray Dalio lays down the rules and frameworks he uses to navigate his life and work. The book explores truth-seeking, decision-making, and the implementation of systems to achieve success. In this book, I learnt the importance of staying true to myself, “perfecting” the system, and the people around you do matter! Most importantly, only take criticism from someone whom you will take advice.

Atomic Habits

In Atomic Habits, you would learn that habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. Getting 1 per cent better every day counts for a lot in the long run. Not only does it teaches you how to build a good habit, but you can break bad habits too. All you need to do is to create the systems. The book will provide you with practical approaches on how to build one. 


6. Articles and Videos

How I got wealthy without working too hard

It is a marvellous read. It causes me to reflect upon my current situation and the areas of interest that I could explore for my next career move. Should you read this? HELL YES!

How to lose weight without causing hormones imbalance

I have been exercising regularly for 3.5 years. To be exact, I exercise 4 days a week, an hour a day. I started to take my diet more seriously. This year, I decided to learn more about hormones because I can feel a difference in my strength and endurance during the various phases of the menstruation cycle. Check out this video to learn more about it! 


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